
Australia’s drug budget heavily focuses on law enforcement over harm reduction and prevention, underscoring the need for more balanced, effective spending.


The culture surrounding FOI in Australia is secretive, new research finds. It’s clear what could be done to create a more accountable governance environment.


China’s rapid rise is slowing down, prompting strategic shifts that could have ripple effects for the entire geopolitical order.


The National Education Policy provides the BJP and RSS ample scope to reshape the institutional architecture of education.


Australia’s gas future must involve energy security and climate security. The new government strategy fails to strike this balance.


Despite voters waiting in 45-degree heat to cast their ballots, Indian democracy is yet to breed a new category of ‘climate voters’.


Local governments represent an untapped resource in the fight against disinformation about migrants, especially in the cities where the effects are felt.


In less than two years, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has gone from clear choice to fighting for majority support in the polls. What happened?


Pessimism about our ability to address the issues that face humanity is understandable, but there are many signs we’re making progress across multiple pathways.


To meet climate goals, countries will have to get far more ambitious and quickly. Here’s what to look for at COP28.


Traditional methods of myth busting remain important for slowing misinformation, but to properly stop it democracies will have to do much more.
