global warming

Despite voters waiting in 45-degree heat to cast their ballots, Indian democracy is yet to breed a new category of ‘climate voters’.


Are universities fit for purpose in the 21st century?


Universities face a raft of challenges. Is the answer more of the same, or is a rethink needed?


From climate change to collaborating better with industry, universities are facing a range of challenges. Here are some ways they might respond.


Heat and air pollution are becoming bigger problems in many parts of the world.


Human health relies on healthy ecosystems, but these are under threat. Securing the right to live in a healthy environment is crucial for all.


Graphic design can be a powerful tool in enhancing people’s confidence in scientific communications.


Russia’s experience has shown that the technology can help in reducing carbon emissions but making it widely available will take time.


Nuclear energy has been declining in importance as a source of power and SMRs will not reverse that.


Navigating expanded nuclear power generation will require stronger and better safeguards while making sensible use of new technologies.


Surveys over the past decade show that nuclear energy as an energy option is being increasingly accepted in Indonesia.
