environmental pollution

Biopolymers that are cheaper to produce, heat-resistant, biocompatible and biodegradable are promising alternatives to plastics.


It’s time for Malaysia to tap into the insights of its Indigenous communities to develop sustainable climate adaptation strategies.


Gravity energy storage is emerging as a viable solution to address a major challenge of solar and wind power which is intermittent supply.


By using urban runoff more wisely, cities could solve the twin problems of urban waterlogging and depleted urban groundwater resources.


More people die of cancers linked to workplace carcinogens in Western Europe and Australasia than anywhere else.


Cases of cancer are widespread in Punjab and Haryana where groundwater is contaminated by high pesticide use.


The increase in cancer rates globally has been linked to prolonged exposure to environmental contaminants.


Private investment in conservation is always welcome but the evidence suggests governments will need to do the heavy lifting when it comes to repairing nature.


The best solution is prevention and a sustainable tourism plan goes a long way in managing the expectations of people and protecting the environment.


Technologies and practices exist to help the palm oil industry decarbonise but barriers to their adoption need to be overcome.


Technologies and practices exist to help the palm oil industry decarbonise but barriers to their adoption need to be overcome.
