
The class of 2020-2022 will forever be defined by COVID-19. The impact of the pandemic students and teachers continue to this day.


Too much emphasis on children knowing how to read the words does not make reading meaningful.


Despite government-mandated education, too many Indians remain unable to read and write. It’s time to revisit the policies.


Malaysia’s Indigenous language Bidayuh is declining in use and it will take a concerted effort to ensure competing languages don’t cause its demise.


Converting classrooms into an all English-speaking environment takes away children’s opportunities to develop crucial skills in their home languages.


Malaysian English or Manglish plays a central role in the lives of locals. Its benefits outweigh the drawbacks.


Developing economies have lost promising students to top universities in the West for decades. A global re-think of education may be needed to change it.


China’s universities have embraced a global perspective, but students say their own language, culture and history have been disregarded in the turn to the West.


Editors Andrew Jaspan and Bharat Bhushan of 360info spoke to Professor Adam Habib about the challenges and possibilities of globalised higher education.


Influential global bodies are having their say on the future of education, and the outcome could shape the economy and environment for generations.


Developing economies need research to improve quality of life. Combining developed and developing economies into a research consortium builds capacity.
