
Virtual reality and augmented reality offer a game-changing approach to biodiversity management.


Habitat destruction and modification harms biodiversity, and compounds the impacts of climate change and other threats to wildlife.


Biodiversity loss, often overshadowed by the immediate threats of climate change, poses a massive threat to humans.


Despite climate change, corals in the Kimberley region show remarkable resilience to harsh conditions, providing valuable lessons for conservation efforts.


Clues to what’s happening to Antarctica’s ice-sheets – and the world’s sea levels – can be found 127,000 years in the past.


The COVID-19 pandemic showed that Antarctica’s isolation and remoteness cannot protect it from events in the rest of the world.


Achieving net zero emissions requires compromise but energy justice for all needs to be at the heart of any decision. For all the talk, it’s not happening, yet.


Global oceans are facing unprecedented marine heatwaves.


Ocean temperatures are at record highs around the world. Track the global hotspots with our monthly temperature monitor.


The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the fragility of economic systems focused solely on economic growth.


Beyond any country’s jurisdiction, relatively little is known about the high seas and the life it contains. As high sea activities ramp up that needs to change.
