customs and tradition

In patriarchal societies, women often express relief upon reaching menopause, allowing them greater freedom and a more carefree life.


Indonesia’s child marriage rate remains high, driven by poverty and tradition. Preventing it means dealing with its deep cultural and socio-economic roots.


Understanding why chronic gamblers chase wins could help develop strategies to better control their behaviour.


Indonesia’s online gambling problem is huge. Four million people lost more than $US20 billion in 2023 and 80,000 of them were under 10.


In most countries around the world, domestic workers are excluded from general labour laws. Indonesia’s Domestic Worker Protection Bill can change that.


Living with daughters can help lower gender wellbeing inequality in old age. But for that, cultural traditions in Asian societies need to change.


The link between sweets and diabetes has introduced a new challenge that sweets shops have decided to tackle head-on.


Across the world, faith is returning to the political sphere.


Saudi political priorities might have changed but their religious influence is still present in Southeast Asian politics, particularly in Malaysia.


Religion could play a significant role in an increasingly polarised conversation about faith in US public life, but will it shape the 2024 election?


The very regions richest in languages are the ones most at risk of climate-induced language loss.
