
Early intervention and external oversight are two effective ways to keep police behaviour in check and nip problems in the bud.


To ensure police accountability, there needs to be multiple, transparent bodies involved, each with distinct roles and with the public interest at heart.


Forensic psychology – the practice of psychology in the justice system – offers a way to address Malaysia’s issues with police violence.


Incidents of police violence and misconduct are becoming far too common. The question is; who should do the investigating? And what should that look like?


Autocrats know that controlling the media is the first step in controlling the population. It’s why journalists are increasingly in the firing line.


If the aim of criminalising suicide attempts is to deter people from ending their lives and protect the vulnerable, it’s failed.


Despite having the law on their side, people who attempted suicide in India are continually harassed by authorities and don’t receive appropriate help.


Nigeria missed the unique opportunity to address its anti-suicide laws in the new mental health bill.


By capturing data on suicide cases and rates, a registry database can help provide better intervention programmes.


In December 2022, Pakistan repealed the penal code criminalising attempted suicide. Now the focus can shift to better understanding the scope of the crisis.


More countries are realising that punishing individuals doesn’t prevent them from acting on suicidal thoughts but simply puts them in greater distress.
