credit and debt

Breaking the menopause taboo

Women live an average of 30 years after menopause. Normalising menopause as a life event requires greater research, investment and cultural acceptance.

One in three Australians saw their HELP debt go backwards due to inflation last year. New policy announced last weekend will partially address this


For some people earning $50,000–70,000, their debts will “go backwards” despite new policy.


Malaysia’s elderly population is set to feel the full force of its planned removal of fuel subsidies.


The issues that led Sri Lanka to become an economic basket case in 2022 serve as a warning for other nations.


Time is short to act on loss and damage funding, after no action at COP26. With economic pain worsening, a new solution is gaining traction— debt cancellation.


Microfinance doesn’t always empower the women reliant on it, but a different form of accounting could help level the playing field.
