conflict (general)

Sheikh Hasina’s government is faced with the gravest threat to its existence in the face of sustained student agitation.


The Sino-Russian strategic relationship partly led to NATO’s creation, but Western leaders should avoid conflating ideological issues with strategic problems.


The drug menace in India’s northeastern states has major implications for the country’s external and internal security.


A decade after Islamic State militants tried to destroy the rich history of Iraq and Syria, the hard work to rebuild the nations’ cultural heritage continues.


Ten years after ISIS declared a caliphate in Iraq and Syria, its violent legacy still grips the region and its followers despite losing its territory.


Despite losing its territory, a decade after the Islamic State was declared the allure of the hyper-violent terror group rises again in a fractured world.


The 2021 overthrow of the democratically elected government of Myanmar and the ensuing civil conflict has unlocked new ways of imagining its political future.


Reaction to the ICC’s potential arrest warrants for Hamas and Israeli leaders focus too much on the accused and not enough on what they’re accused of.


The Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Israeli invasion of Gaza, and Chinese aggression in the South China Sea are likely to require greater action from New Delhi.


Freedom of the press, a cornerstone of democracy, is under attack around the world, just when we need it more than ever.


Indian migrant workers have a long history of repression and poor treatment. In 2024, nothing has changed.
