civil rights

Societies don’t just fail to accommodate disability — they can be actively disabling in themselves.


A ‘tough on crime’ political culture tends to bring the same solution to every crisis: harsher laws. That’s a problem.


The brutal crackdown on student protesters revealed the totalitarian aims of the prime minister and the resilience of belief in democratic freedoms.


Malaysia’s move to amend citizenship laws marks progress for gender equality, but the non-retrospective nature raises concerns.


Current refugee and human rights law principles still apply when climate change and disasters amplify the risk of displacement.


Parliament has the power to enshrine human rights protections in federal law. Proposals are on the table.


When policies supporting LGBT staff clash with local realities, some companies back down, while others find a way to bridge the divide.


There are exceptions in India’s current round of electioneering rhetoric against Muslims that prove the country is still united in diversity.


With a vast number of citizens around the world voting for leaders and legislatures this year, much will depend on their trust in the electoral process.


India’s new code throws into doubt whether its citizens are truly protected from the arbitrary exercise of power by public officials.


Efforts to address social issues risk being co-opted for political gain or used to further divisive agendas.
