
To improve its performance on the sporting stage, India needs to address malnutrition in children.


Autistic and ADHDer girls face distinct challenges at school. There are a number of research-backed ways they could be better understood and supported in class.


School refusal, or ‘school can’t’, disproportionately impacts neurodivergent students. It is crucial responses to the phenomenon take their needs into account.


Training can empower teachers to become advocates for children with disabilities as well as curriculum reformers.


Inclusive mainstream schooling is often better than segregated education for students with special needs. But for it to work, several key issues must be fixed.


Malaysia’s education system can better support students with dyslexia by acknowledging the different ways of teaching.


Neurodivergent children — those with autism, ADHD, dyslexia or other difference in brain functioning — face myriad issues at schools ill-equipped to help them.


What we do and don’t know about how digital technology is affecting our kids’ sleep and what we can do about it.


There’s a lot of fearmongering around children and their interactions with digital technology, but the truth is more nuanced.


A public health approach to suicide prevention means better data collection, multi-sectoral collaboration, gatekeeper training and evidence-based interventions


Malaysia’s move to amend citizenship laws marks progress for gender equality, but the non-retrospective nature raises concerns.
