Young minds on screens

Breaking the menopause taboo

Women live an average of 30 years after menopause. Normalising menopause as a life event requires greater research, investment and cultural acceptance.

A 2022 survey from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows how common long-term mental health conditions are in each state and territory.


Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows most common mental health disorders are more prevalent in women — except substance abuse disorders.


The Australian Bureau of Statistics found nearly two in five young people surveyed during 2020-22 experienced symptoms of a long-term mental health condition.


Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that young women are more likely than young men to consult with a mental health professional.


Analysis of census data reveals youth mental health hot spots: areas with higher mental health diagnosis rates in young people than neighbouring areas.


How can today’s youth best navigate the mental health challenges posed by screens and social media?


Our young people are getting a dose of social media-driven eco-anxiety over the environment. There are ways we can help them beat it.


Young women are bombarded with Instagram images that can define beauty and how they see themselves. While empowering for some, it can cause many to suffer.


The last Census provided an unprecedented view of mental health diagnoses across parts of Australia. Which areas stand out?


Excessive social media use among university students has been linked to a decline in their mental health.


There is plenty of evidence showing how social media use can affect youth mental health but studies often omit the developing countries of the Global South.
