Species extinction

Breaking the menopause taboo

Women live an average of 30 years after menopause. Normalising menopause as a life event requires greater research, investment and cultural acceptance.

Australia’s most powerful law protecting the environment hasn’t done enough to stop the rapid decline of the nation’s wildlife.


Despite an international treaty to prevent illegal trade in wild animals, the industry is worth billions. The treaty needs an overhaul.


Despite Thailand’s efforts to address wildlife crime, there are still challenges in curbing illegal trade in endangered species.


Strong legislation backed by science and technology could help protect Indonesia’s wildlife.


As long as the law does not recognise it as transnational organised crime, the illegal trade of wildlife will continue to flourish in Indonesia.


Nearly 50 years since its introduction, the US’ Endangered Species Act is plagued by decades-old criticisms that hinder its ability to help.


Biodiversity is at a crucial point and pressure is growing on the international community to commit to new goals to protect it.


Research shows species on the brink of extinction have successfully been saved. Applying the same approaches more broadly could help the planet.


India’s future prosperity is threatened by invasive species. Yet action on the problem is piecemeal or missing.


Cats are skillful hunters. In Australia, public campaigning and local government regulation are helping to keep wildlife and domestic cats safer.
