Gig Workers

App-based rideshare and delivery work is exploding across southeast Asia and offers plenty of flexibility but has numerous downsides.


As ride-sharing booms in Asia, women’s mobility is crucial. But it faces challenges like harassment due to the introduction of gendered strategies.


The booming gig economy in Malaysia leaves workers vulnerable with no benefits and susceptible to exploitation.


Easy to access loans designed for gig workers are almost impossible to refuse. But there’s nearly always a catch.


Gig platforms have mushroomed in Indonesia in the past decade. But regulations have lagged and it’s the workers who pay.


School leavers want flexibility and gig work offers it. But how will that affect the economy?


Young workers in higher education face less job security and more monitoring of their work.


The loopholes in labour laws will need to be plugged if gig workers are ever to get a fair deal.
