Fukushima water

Breaking the menopause taboo

Women live an average of 30 years after menopause. Normalising menopause as a life event requires greater research, investment and cultural acceptance.

Japan’s plan to release treated radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima reactor into the ocean has its supporters but is causing ripples in the Pacific.


Japan plans to dump treated, radioactively contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific but it could be used in other ways instead.


Releasing treated wastewater directly into the ocean from the Fukushima nuclear plant sounds dangerous, but going below the surface reveals the full story.


Public opinion will dictate how Japanese seafood is received after the wastewater is disposed of into the Pacific Ocean.


Fukushima’s fishers have constantly been the last to know about decisions which directly impact their livelihoods and way of life. That needs to change.


Japan faced three options with disposing of radioactive wastewater. All were problematic.


Japan’s plan to release nuclear wastewater from its Fukushima reactor has sparked many questions.
