Commercialising women's health

Women’s health has been sidelined for centuries. But now that women are finally being heard, some unscrupulous companies are cashing in on the movement.


Mums face a barrage of advertising claims for maternal and baby products that may pose health risks.


Western-centric femvertising can provoke uneasiness and controversies in non-Western markets. Understanding local culture and collaboration are crucial.


Unproven weight loss products and social media hype mislead women. Why is it so easy to fall for it?


Baby formula manufacturers have a history of aggressive marketing and exploiting women’s anxieties to wean them off breastfeeding.


Women’s back pain is increasingly being taken seriously. But common spinal surgeries can be costly and risky.


From historical myths to modern femtech apps, the focus of medical products aimed at women is often profit, not well-being.


It’s sold as a procedure that empowers women, but freezing eggs is costly, time-consuming and not guaranteed to be a success.
