As Charles is set to be crowned it’s unclear if he’s inherited the love felt for his mother or whether it’s time for Australian republicans to stage a new push.


With digital attacks on journalists increasing, Indonesia’s press council formed a task force in response. But could the country’s laws be part of the problem?


Newsrooms are still fighting to honour press freedom despite government pressure, competition with social media platforms and declining trust in the media.


In one of the world’s most tightly-held media industries, one smaller voice struck a blow for freedom of expression.


Journalism has to stop sustained attacks on alternative media outlets.


Without relying on the media to put them in good light, politicians are finding ways to influence people through digital astroturfing.


After six years being sapped by Rodrigo Duterte, Philippines media is now struggling to hold Ferdinand Marcos Jr properly to account.


Amid growing concerns over the state of press freedom and freedom of expression in Malaysia, the current administration is taking its time for reform.


Autocrats know that controlling the media is the first step in controlling the population. It’s why journalists are increasingly in the firing line.


Taiwan’s soft power allows it to maintain international influence even as its size, market value and military power is dwarfed by China.


On the heels of losing another diplomatic ally, Taiwan continues to win friends and influence others in the only way it knows how: through its soft power.
