Special Report

After decades of progress, women’s rights are being rolled back by right-wing populist political parties that seek to restore conservative gender hierarchies.


World Refugee Day comes as global displacement reaches a new high.


Biodiversity loss, often overshadowed by the immediate threats of climate change, poses a massive threat to humans.


Sustainable eating involves eating food that’s good for you, good for the planet and good for your community.


From Gaza to Ukraine to the South China Sea, international law institutions such as the ICJ and ICC are in a new era of importance.


Eating disorders don’t only affect young, white women. A range of previously overlooked groups can be impacted, and treatments are finally being geared to them.


Combating extreme heat needs action across multiple fronts: governance, health, urban planning and embracing more sustainable lifestyles.


As solid waste mounts in developing countries, the authorities must adopt innovative and effective solutions.


Rumours of China’s demise come and go, but how it responds to the current crisis will have far-ranging consequences.


We’re halfway between the UN’s two major climate conferences — COP28 and COP29 — and the key issues on the agenda are starting to take shape.


Doomsday predictions around AI are in ready supply, but if put to the right use, it could help solve a world of problems.
