
Breaking the menopause taboo

Women live an average of 30 years after menopause. Normalising menopause as a life event requires greater research, investment and cultural acceptance.

Political meddling and state violence could break Bangladesh’s fragile hold on democracy.


A paper proposing globally enforceable regulations for the crypto market is expected to be presented at the world’s premier economic meeting.


The Indian Prime Minister says a G20 strategy has driven global debt restructuring since his country assumed leadership. That’s not the full picture.


Australians might think their right to march in the streets is constitutionally guaranteed, but it isn’t.


The Indian Constitution has supported the movement towards a Hindu state by accommodating communal nationalism.


Brazil voted out the Bolsonaro government, but its impact on institutions hasn’t gone away.


Border security is used in democracies like the US to silence advocates and threaten democracy.


Laws on freedom of expression have a chance for revision under a new government.


Laws restricting basic freedoms may be made in the name of public order and national security, but they are often used against dissident voices.


Saudi political priorities might have changed but their religious influence is still present in Southeast Asian politics, particularly in Malaysia.


India’s middle class has been the big winner from a deregulated economy. In turn, that middle class helps fuel the rise of populism and Hindu nationalism.
