
Laws on freedom of expression have a chance for revision under a new government.


Laws restricting basic freedoms may be made in the name of public order and national security, but they are often used against dissident voices.


Saudi political priorities might have changed but their religious influence is still present in Southeast Asian politics, particularly in Malaysia.


India’s middle class has been the big winner from a deregulated economy. In turn, that middle class helps fuel the rise of populism and Hindu nationalism.


China’s concern over data security, geopolitical tensions, and regulatory changes pose challenges for businesses dealing with competing compliance demands.


Fans care about their clubs’ accomplishments more and if new owners can pour in big money to achieve this, then all is good.


The European Union’s AI regulation has some predicting a spate of Brussels copycats. Close, but not quite.


New regulations that can adapt fast will help countries deal with evolving AI technologies, but strategic use of laws already in place will also be key.


Two schools of thought in Islam have different views on surrogacy. But if infertility is considered a sickness, surrogacy could be used to treat it.


Surrogate children to single men face no more chance of emotional trauma than any other children.


India’s revised surrogacy law does little to meet the needs of its growing LGBTQ+ community.
