Emma Hoy

The final of Euro 2024 sees Spain take on England, in a tournament where the continent’s immigration debate has once again spilled onto the pitch.


France’s New Popular Front won the most seats in the parliamentary election but, after avoiding a far-right sweep, does a deadlock lie ahead?


Rumours of China’s demise come and go, but how it responds to the current crisis will have far-ranging consequences.


China’s rapid rise is slowing down, prompting strategic shifts that could have ripple effects for the entire geopolitical order.


The export of green development projects taps the long-standing domestic strategy of ‘ecological civilisation’.


Securing cities from future heat effects requires a fictional reality which can become a future truth.


As with any environmental disaster, the impact of heat stress hits the poorer harder than the privileged.


If the world doesn’t meet its net zero targets by 2030, experts predict disaster. AI might be the key to help us succeed where currently we’re failing.


Doomsday predictions around AI are in ready supply, but if put to the right use, it could help solve a world of problems.


The automated vehicle ‘trolley problem’ shows where self-driving technology can fail. But there could be upsides to coding human values into these machines.


Preschoolers are embracing AI to teach them, preparing for a tech-driven future.
