News done slowly. Essential context from a global network of academic experts.
Evidence driven, solutions focused. Free to use under Creative Commons.

France’s volatile political climate and global tensions pose major security threats to the Paris Olympics, prompting unprecedented security measures.

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News done slowly. Essential context from a global network of academic experts.
Evidence driven, solutions focused. Free to use under Creative Commons.

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As the world descends on Paris for the biggest show in sport, the question must be asked if the Olympic Games still hold the same currency in 2024.


Neurodivergent children — those with autism, ADHD, dyslexia or other difference in brain functioning — face myriad issues at schools ill-equipped to help them.


There’s a lot of fearmongering around children and their interactions with digital technology, but the truth is more nuanced.


Climate change worsens disasters and impacts livelihoods so building climate resilience involves harnessing social, cultural, economic and political factors.


Loneliness has serious impacts on physical and mental health. But there are solutions to this worldwide epidemic.


The 2024 European Parliament highlights emerging right-wing influence and pressing issues from climate action to youth voter disengagement.


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