
Public opinion will dictate how Japanese seafood is received after the wastewater is disposed of into the Pacific Ocean.


Whether microplastic particles cause long-term damage is uncertain but reducing our exposure to them will be wise.


Measuring microplastics in humans is challenging but researchers already have preliminary figures.


To reduce the threat of microplastics in our bodies, we need to reduce the use of plastics in the environment.


Scientists are warning against grave long-term consequences.


Viewing nature as a commodity has long been the norm but giving it legal rights may force a change of outlook across the world.


Gathering reliable data from the high seas can be difficult and opaque.


Hospitals, masks and test kits all produce plastic waste. Only a small part of it is recycled.


Sea ice holds the key to understanding the entire Arctic marine ecosystem. But it’s melting faster than we can unravel its complexity.


With Pacific Islands nations controlling 20 percent of all oceans, they are at the foundation of initiatives to help the planet and our health.


Japan plans to dump radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean, but its effects on Pacific nations are not clear.
