medical research

Collecting DNA data is not much help without the key to understanding what it all means. And that key is centralised health records.


Unless people are brought into conversations about genetic discrimination dystopian scenarios may come to pass.


Measuring microplastics in humans is challenging but researchers already have preliminary figures.


Combining several technologies to create a digital replica of an athlete’s body has made a giant leap forward in understanding what goes on.


While how it works is not fully understood, hypnosis shows potential for being part of a multi-pronged pain management approach.


China and the US cooperated for many years on health issues and it’s in the world’s best interests they continue.


Reports of a diabetes tsunami are hiding a key part of the picture. There’s a good reason the numbers are increasing.


Psychedelics could potentially improve mother-infant bonding during postpartum depression. But studies have not looked into it.


Taking small quantities of psychedelics over time might improve your mood but there’s a lot we don’t understand.


Giving lab rats illicit psychedelic drugs may help scientists uncover how it can be used to treat anorexia in humans.


Sixty healthy volunteers took magic mushrooms in a lab, and scientists recorded their brains during their experience.
