
Reports of the demise of crewed naval vessels have been greatly exaggerated.


Armies are getting smaller, weapons technology is getting more powerful and geopolitical tensions are all over the place.


Maldives has launched its first tactical drones. The eyes in the sky will improve the country’s defence force’s monitoring, surveillance, and data capabilities.


The possibility of Donald Trump returning to the White House and enacting his ‘America First’ policy could be ‘catastrophic’ for Ukraine.


If the two leaders meet during the APEC summit, the region will be reassured that the rivalry between the two superpowers is being checked.


The US views the Quad as an alliance that can contain Chinese expansionism in the Indo-Pacific, but India may not feel the same way.


It’s unlikely to happen, but if a large space object ever hit Earth, the outcome would be calamitous. Humanity needs to start preparing now.
