Human Interest

For thousands from India, Bangladesh, Nepal and other countries, shadowy recruiters and online slave markets turn dreams into nightmares.


At least 11 million children are trafficked for labour in India. Poor implementation of laws and training of stakeholders hinder efforts to curb the practice.


The rise of childfree marriages has led to heated debate, especially among Malays. This reflects the deep religious influence on Malaysia’s public discourse.


Increased gender equality has empowered more Icelandic women to choose to remain childfree but it hasn’t dampened societal expectations they will procreate.


The language used around having children or not shapes societal views, highlighting the need for inclusive terms to respect all reproductive choices.


A step-by-step plan should be developed to safely return to sports, work or school after all symptoms have resolved, with regular follow-ups.


Fan parks emerged as safe spaces to enjoy football matches, but challenges such as overcrowding and location remain.


Alcohol, not emotions, is the main driver of post-match domestic abuse. Changing game times and reducing drinking prevent abuse.


The rampant activity reduces freshwater supply in turn affecting crop output, drinking water and the general ecosystem.


Indonesia’s independent oil palm farmers face myriad challenges, Reforms are needed so they can benefit from this profitable crop.


The Kerala landslide underscores the importance of preserving human lives in the Western Ghats region amid the challenges of climate change.
